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KA240535  -  148 x 100 cm

Kilim early 20th century, southwest Turkey

This kilim has a great freedom of interpretation of the motifs, which are abundant with a beautiful tree of life in the center.

The dense colors underline the motifs, and the white is woven with cotton to accentuate the contrast.


AT240412  -  198 x 153 cm

Contemporary new Kilim, a subtle mix of ancestral know-how and modern design. This Kilim is the result of a traditional, eco-friendly weaving technique handed down from generation to generation in the villages around Antalya, in south-east Turkey.

New kilim, hand weaved with the most beautiful wool handspun and vegetable dyes.

Custom size possible


KA240531  -  327 x 188 cm

Late 19th century kilim from southwest Turkey

The design of this kilim is very characteristic of this region, being both tribal and refined.

This beautifully sized kilim rug has been woven in 2 parts, as is often the case with weavings from this period.


KA24056  -  321 x 200 cm

Circa 1940 Kilim from central Turkey

This 2-part woven kilim is very characteristic of the weavings of this region, both in pattern and color.

It has a beautiful dimension and would look equally well under a dining room table or in a large entrance hall.


KA240537  -  280 x 173 cm

Kilim Circa 1940, from southwest Turkey

The central motif of this kilim is very characteristic of this region, but the borders are particularly elaborate and rare.

The weave is fine and dense.

As for the dominant red color, although it is sometimes used in this region, it is less common than orange.


KA24053  -  470 x 227 cm

Kilim Circa 1930, from northeastern Turkey

This kilim is exceptional for its size, its exquisite motifs and its beautiful harmony of colors.

The weave is dense and very strong. And as is often the case with kilims of this age, it has been woven in two parts.